Friday, December 9, 2011

The TV will hear, see and understand

Millions of people are used to scream against the TV. Because of the revolutionary technology that will soon be introduced, will now have to be careful what we say and do and what gestures to the screen.

The company
 "Apple" develop a TV that not only hears what we say and sees gestures, but of course they said "Daily Mail".

Revolutionary new interactive devices, called iTV, could come to market next year.
Such technology is already used in game consoles Xbox.

TV on the "Apple" But there will be more applications. It will be easier access to the full-length movies on the internet to be viewed comfortably on the big screen.
Speculation about the new TV rose last month after the death of the founder of the "Apple" Steve Jobs.
In October it became clear that the U.S. Patent Office has received documents on the device "Apple" to "control process video in real time with gestures."
Gestures will be used as video editing or transferring footage from the TV to the phone. Iphone  have the ability to voice control, which can be implemented in the new TV.
From the "Apple" refused to comment on what their plans for television, but they are very interesting for competitors such as South Koreans "Samsung".
Not everyone wants a TV to hear what he says and watch what it does in the living room. According to technology experts gestures can be easily misunderstood.
"It would be like to sit on the auction" Sotheby "and with all his strength   
not  to move and not to buy something for 10 million liras," said Benedict Evans technologies.